Pascal Pagel
I‘m Pascal Pagel from North-Germany.
Scroll down to learn more about my personal projects.

Die Community von und für NerdsNerdfriends is an online community where you can meet real people who share the same interests with you.
It started in winter 2017 as an alternative for the anonymity of facebook and other social media platforms. It‘s userbase grows every week.

Jean Page
Music is my passionJean Page is my own music project. My love for music is not new, but creating it on my own is:
Back in 2000 I've been a DJ for electronic dance music. After a pause from working with music
I've started producing music in 2016.

The website of our Minecraft-ServerBravenewcraft exists till the early days of Minecraft - a game where only your own creativity is the limit.
You can join our server and build some great stuff with us.
Informations about ecological marine-tourismDo you consider making a whale-watching trip or do you dive sometimes?
This website was established in collaboration with my sister to teach people how to behave in the natural habitats of marine-wildlife. Learn how to protect our oceans and the animals living in it.
Die Lübecker Freiwilligenagentur e.V.This is the website of ePunkt Lübeck.
If you're searching a honorary appointment near Lübeck, ePunkt is the best place to go.
You can use the online search or visit the team for a personal counselling.

Feel free to contact me